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/ Network Support Library / RoseWare - Network Support Library.iso / 3rdparty / issdis.arc / HARDDISK.2
Text File  |  1990-01-09  |  12KB  |  187 lines

  1. MORE INFORMATION reguarding our hard disk performance problems...
  3. We are running 2 servers.  The old one being FS2 and the new FS1.  The new
  4. one is the one with problems.
  6. OLD SERVER:  10MHz AST 286
  7.   1.5 Meg memory
  8.   OMTI 8630 EDSI disk controller
  9.   WREN III ESDI drive (155 Meg, 19ms)
  10.   Micom/Interlan NP600 ethernet card
  11.   1 printer (parallel)
  13.   Advanced NetWare 2.12
  14.     File Service Processes: 6
  17. NEW SERVER:  20MHz NorthGate 386
  18.   4 Meg memory
  19.   WD1007V-SE2 ESDI disk controller
  20.   WREN VI ESDI drive (620 Meg, 17ms)
  21.   Gateway G/Ethernet AT ethernet card
  22.   Proteon p1303 token ring card
  23.   2 printers (parallel)
  25.   Advanced NetWare 2.15
  26.     File Service Processes: 3
  28. Again, when a 1 Meg file is not in the server's cache, it takes 12s to
  29. retrieve it from FS2 (the old server) and 32s to retrieve the same file
  30. from FS1 (the new server).  Even retrieving the file from FS2 and passing
  31. it through FS1 (having been logged into FS1 and attached to FS2) takes
  32. only 13s, so the problem has to be with FS1's disk setup.
  33. One thing I've noticed on the fconsole channel statistics screen is that
  34. for FS2 (old), the Synchronization line allways reports "No process is
  35. using the channel", whereas FS1 alternates between that message and
  36. "Netware is using the channel".
  38. Here are all the statistics screens for FS1 (new server)...
  39.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  40. |                               Cache Statistics                               |
  41.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  42. |File Server Up Time:   0 Days  2 Hours 11 Minutes 51 Seconds                  |
  43. |Number Of Cache Buffers:           482  Cache Buffer Size:               4,096|
  44. |Dirty Cache Buffers:                 0                                        |
  45. |Cache Read Requests:           165,140  Cache Write Requests:           20,310|
  46. |Cache Hits:                    171,924  Cache Misses:                   14,163|
  47. |Physical Read Requests:         11,862  Physical Write Requests:         4,697|
  48. |Physical Read Errors:                0  Physical Write Errors:               0|
  49. |Cache Get Requests:            169,070                                        |
  50. |Full Write Requests:            16,380  Partial Write Requests:          3,930|
  51. |Background Dirty Writes:         2,566  Background Aged Writes:          2,115|
  52. |Total Cache Writes:              4,681  Cache Allocations:              14,163|
  53. |Thrashing Count:                     0  LRU Block Was Dirty:                 0|
  54. |Read Beyond Write:                 103  Fragmented Writes:                  16|
  55. |Hit On Unavailable Block:          176  Cache Blocks Scrapped:               0|
  56.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  57.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  58. |                                Disk Channel 0                                |
  59.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  60. |File Server Up Time:   0 Days  2 Hours 11 Minutes 57 Seconds                  |
  61. |Status: Channel is running.                                                   |
  62. |Synchronization: No process is using the channel. (alternates w/ "NetWare is... ")
  63. |Driver Type: 2. Industry Standard ISA or AT Comp. Disk Cont. V2.01 (890810)   |
  64. |Driver Version: 2.02                                                          |
  65. |IO Addresses: 01F0h to 01F7h and 03F6h to 03F7h                               |
  66. |Shared Memory Addresses:                                                      |
  67. |Interrupts Used: 0Eh                                                          |
  68. |DMA Channels Used:                                                            |
  69. |Channel Configuration: ISADISK     PRIMARY      Verify=OFF    I/O=1F0h   IRQ=1|
  70.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  71.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  72. |                           Disk Mapping Information                           |
  73.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  74. |File Server Up Time:   0 Days  2 Hours 12 Minutes  3 Seconds                  |
  75. |SFT Support Level:      1          Pending I/O Commands:      0               |
  76. |Logical Disk Count:     1          Physical Disk Count:       1               |
  77. |Disk Channels  0) Active   1) Unused   2) Unused   3) Unused   4) Unused      |
  78. |                  Logical Disk To Physical Disk Mappings                      |
  79. |    Primary  Mirror             Primary  Mirror             Primary  Mirror   |
  80. | 0)  0       None           11)                         22)                   |
  81. | 1)                         12)                         23)                   |
  82.       ...
  83. | 9)                         20)                         31)                   |
  84. |10)                         21)                                               |
  85.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  86.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  87. |                           Physical Disk  0                           |
  88.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  89. |File Server Up Time:   0 Days  2 Hours 12 Minutes  5 Seconds          |
  90. |Disk Type:  1. ISA Disk type 01                                       |
  91. |Non-Removable Drive                                                   |
  92. |Disk Channel:   0   Controller Number:   0   Drive Number: 0          |
  93. |Controller Type: 2.                                                   |
  94. |Drive Size (less hot fix area): 654,467,072 bytes                     |
  95. |Drive Cylinders:  1,629  Drive Heads:  15   Sectors Per Track:  54    |
  96. |IO Error Count:       0                                               |
  97. |Hot Fix Table Start: 159,782        Hot Fix Enabled                   |
  98. |Hot Fix Table Size:  2,048 blocks   Hot Fix Remaining: 2,003 blocks   |
  99.  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  100.  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  101. |                         File System Statistics                          |
  102.  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  103. |File Server Up Time:   0 Days  2 Hours 12 Minutes  8 Seconds             |
  104. |Configured Max Open Files:       244  Peak Files Open:                 39|
  105. |Open Requests:                 4,013  Currently Open Files:            23|
  106. |Read Requests:               156,180  Write Requests:              12,808|
  107. |FAT Sector Writes:               710  Dirty FAT Sectors:                0|
  108. |FAT Write Errors:                  0  Fatal FAT Write Errors:           0|
  109. |FAT Scan Errors:                   0                                     |
  110. |Configured Max Indexed Files:      0  Peak Indexed Files Open:          0|
  111. |Active Indexed Files:              0  Attached Indexed Files:           0|
  112.  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  113.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  114. |                        File Server Statistics Summary                        |
  115.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  116. |File Server Up Time:   0 Days  2 Hours 12 Minutes 21 Seconds                  |
  117. |Number Of File Service Processes:     3  Current Server Utilization:       1% |
  118. |Disk Requests Serviced From Cache:  92%  Packets Routed:                    0 |
  119. |Total Packets Received:         190,112  File Service Packets:              5 |
  120. |Total Number Of Cache Buffers:      482  Dirty Cache Buffers:               0 |
  121. |Total Server Memory:          4,194,304  Unused Server Memory:          2,048 |
  122. |                                                                              |
  123. |                         Maximum       Peak Used   Currently In Use           |
  124. |Routing Buffers:              65              25               0              |
  125. |Open Files:                  244              39              23              |
  126. |Indexed Files:                 0               0               0              |
  127. |Transactions:                N/A             N/A             N/A              |
  128. |Bindery Objects:             N/A             N/A             N/A              |
  129. |Connections:                 100              21              21              |
  130. |Dynamic Memory 1:         17,764           4,984           3,538              |
  131. |Dynamic Memory 2:         26,812           5,840           4,848              |
  132. |Dynamic Memory 3:         47,104             876             240              |
  133.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  134.  ---------------------------------------------------------------
  135. |                      Volume Information                       |
  136.  ---------------------------------------------------------------
  137. |Volume Name:     SYS                Volume Number:        0    |
  138. |Volume Mounted:  Yes                Volume Removable: No       |
  139. |Volume Hashed:   Yes                Volume Cached:    Yes      |
  140. |Block Size:       4,096             Starting Block:       4    |
  141. |Total Blocks:    65,280             Free Blocks:     24,199    |
  142. |Maximum Directory Entries:      12,032                         |
  143. |Peak Directory Entries Used:     9,670                         |
  144. |Current Free Directory Entries:  2,784                         |
  145. |Logical Drive Number:    0                                     |
  146. |Volume Mirrored:       No                                      |
  147. |Primary Disk Number:     0          Mirror Disk Number: N/A    |
  148.  ---------------------------------------------------------------
  149.  ---------------------------------------------------------------
  150. |                      Volume Information                       |
  151.  ---------------------------------------------------------------
  152. |File Server Up Time:   0 Days  2 Hours 12 Minutes 28 Seconds   |
  153. |Volume Name:     VOL1               Volume Number:        1    |
  154. |Volume Mounted:  Yes                Volume Removable: No       |
  155. |Volume Hashed:   Yes                Volume Cached:    No       |
  156. |Block Size:       4,096             Starting Block:  65,284    |
  157. |Total Blocks:    65,280             Free Blocks:     64,382    |
  158. |Maximum Directory Entries:      16,768                         |
  159. |Peak Directory Entries Used:        20                         |
  160. |Current Free Directory Entries: 16,760                         |
  161. |Logical Drive Number:    0                                     |
  162. |Volume Mirrored:       No                                      |
  163. |Primary Disk Number:     0          Mirror Disk Number: N/A    |
  164.  ---------------------------------------------------------------
  165.  ---------------------------------------------------------------
  166. |                      Volume Information                       |
  167.  ---------------------------------------------------------------
  168. |File Server Up Time:   0 Days  2 Hours 12 Minutes 31 Seconds   |
  169. |Volume Name:     VOL2               Volume Number:        2    |
  170. |Volume Mounted:  Yes                Volume Removable: No       |
  171. |Volume Hashed:   Yes                Volume Cached:    No       |
  172. |Block Size:       4,096             Starting Block:  65,028    |
  173. |Total Blocks:    29,218             Free Blocks:     28,670    |
  174. |Maximum Directory Entries:       7,808                         |
  175. |Peak Directory Entries Used:         5                         |
  176. |Current Free Directory Entries:  7,802                         |
  177. |Logical Drive Number:    0                                     |
  178. |Volume Mirrored:       No                                      |
  179. |Primary Disk Number:     0          Mirror Disk Number: N/A    |
  180.  ---------------------------------------------------------------
  182. As you can see, I've reduced the number of directory entries on SYS and I am
  183. not caching either VOL1 or VOL2.  Having done this does not seem to have
  184. affected performance at all, so I'll eventually redo this.
  186. If anyone can see anything we've got set up badly, please let us know.